WATCH | Houstonians Learn Digital Skills Through Free Training

The digital divide in southeast Texas is complex and real. According to recent Census Bureau data, one in ten households do not have an Internet subscription or a computer in Greater Houston – that’s more than 687,000 households.
Comcast’s Executive VP of Digital Equity and Executive VP of Public Policy Broderick Johnson recently visited Great Day Houston to talk about how the company launched pilot programs to help shrink the digital divide. Take a look. 👇
During the appearance, Johnson announced Comcast is giving 150 new laptops to Houston Area Urban League. The devices will support the Urban Tech Jobs Program 2.0 which helps to recruit, train and place unemployed or underemployed individuals in the technology field.
The digital divide includes barriers to digital adoption and access. There is also another key element of the issue that is often ignored – the digital skills gap. According to a National Skills Coalition report, closing that gap can mean significant quality of life improvements.
Here are three key takeaways:
- 92% of jobs available today require digital skills – yet nearly one-third of US workers lack opportunities to build these skills.
- Jobs that require even one digital skill can earn an average of 23% more than jobs requiring no digital skills – an increase of $8,000 in annual income.
- Businesses can save more than $25,000 per position when they offer upskilling opportunities, versus the cost of replacing a worker who departs.
Broderick Johnson also sat down with KPRC2’s Melanie Camp on Houston Life. Camp first featured the company’s pilot program during Fall 2022. Johnson said there’s another pilot program in the works focused on apartment communities. Watch the interview below. 👇
Any Houstonian can access a digital navigator – free of charge. To schedule an appointment, call SERJobs at 713-773-6000 or email