WATCH | Giving Back Becomes Full-Circle Moment for Houston Volunteers

More than 50 volunteers with Comcast Texas’s Team UP recently visited the Houston Food Bank’s warehouse on the city’s eastside to sort and pack food into hundreds of boxes. The boxes will eventually make their way into the homes of families across southeast Texas. For two volunteers, it meant something emotionally special, giving back became a full-circle moment.
Tracy Collins
Comcast Texas Direct Sales Manager & Team UP VolunteerHear more about Tracy’s story. Take a look.
Team Up volunteers Tracy Collins and Ose Ejedawe both credit their parent’s actions as their inspiration for a life of service.
According to the Houston Food Bank, since 2014, Comcast’s impact has yielded more than 1.2 million meals being served to those in need. Team UP is Comcast’s employee volunteer program. It is an always-on, 365-days-a-year effort that brings Comcast teams together and provides opportunities for everyone to get more involved in their local communities.