Techs and Their Pets: A Celebration of National Pet Month

The month of May deemed National Pet Month, is a time to recognize and celebrate the many benefits of pet ownership. In honor of this national celebration, Comcast technicians posed for fun-loving photos with their pets.
Comcast Technical Operations Supervisor James Thaxton has been with the company for 20 years and enjoys providing his customers the best experience possible. “I love the interaction and experience I can provide for our customers,” shared James. “When I’m not busy taking care of customers, I’m spending time with my family and dogs, Ret and Rosy.”
Pets have been instrumental in providing a welcome distraction as individuals navigated the pandemic. Being on the frontlines -day in and out – Comcast technicians find comfort in their furry best pals.
“I enjoy taking long walks with my dog Smooth after a long day,” shared Erma Scott, Comcast supervisor of communications technology. “I have been with the company for seven years, and hearing the level of commitment our technicians had and continue to have to ensure we are taking care of customers safely and leaving them with a smile is the best part of my job.”
Whether you own a pet or not, you are sure to enjoy these adorable photos of Comcast technicians and their pets. Join the month-long celebration on social, following the hashtags #NationalPetMonth and #ComcastTechsandPets.