Winter Storm Uri – Comcast Techs Working to Get Services Restored

We hope that you and your loved ones remain safe during this period of severe weather. We are aware that you may be experiencing issues with your Xfinity service due to conditions brought about by Winter Storm Uri.
“Our technicians, in close alignment with our local utility companies, are working as quickly and safely as possible to resolve all service outages,” said Michael Bybee, director of external communications for Comcast’s Houston Region. “In some cases, customers may have power but not their Xfinity services because commercial power has not been restored in that area.”
To help everyone stay connected during Winter Storm Uri, Xfinity WiFi Hotspots are open to the general public. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, click here.
A quick reminder about the role of commercial power and your Xfinity services:
• Local commercial power must be restored to your home to power your TV box and modem before your Xfinity TV, Voice & Internet services can begin working again.
• It is possible that you may have power in your home but the Xfinity network serving your neighborhood may be damaged or without power, preventing your Xfinity services from working at this time.
• Once power begins to be restored in your area take these steps to get your Xfinity services back up and running:
• Unplug your equipment from its power source
• Wait 30 seconds
• Plug your equipment back into the power source
• You can also visit Xfinity My Account or use the My Account app to reboot your equipment
Storm Credit Questions:
Comcast’s fiber optic network is performing well despite extensive power outages throughout Texas due to Winter Storm Uri. Our redundant network, backup generators, and other storm preparations are helping to keep customers connected where power is available. We will not be extending credits due to loss of electricity. If customers have power and are experiencing a service interruption, we will reach out to those customers and extend a credit on an upcoming bill.
Retail Store Updates:
All Xfinity Store locations will be open for BAU beginning February 21, 2021.