First Ever Children’s Library Dedicated at the Fisher House in Houston

Comcast employees at the Fisher House Foundation in Houston.

The Fisher House, located at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, recently unveiled its first-ever library and entertainment area for children created and donated by employees of Comcast.

“What an incredible day at the Fisher House Foundation in Houston dedicating Adam’s Corner, said Sam Waltzer, project manager, Comcast NBCUniversal Military and Veteran Affairs. “Children of military families will now have games, books and pictures to keep their spirits up while their service member recovers from illness and injuries sustained in service to a grateful nation.”

Fisher House is a “home away from home” where military and veteran families, that often include children, can stay free of charge while a loved one is in the hospital.  The space will be named “Adam’s Corner” in honor of Cpl. Adam Garcia, who died while recovering from wounds he suffered while serving in Iraq, will include books, board games, movies and video games for the children staying at the Fisher House.

“It’s very inviting and very welcoming”, shared Cynthia Garcia, mother of Cpl. Adam Garcia. “Once the kids see that there is a library for them, they just lose themselves.”

Attendees of the event included Cynthia Garcia, mother of Cpl. Adam Garcia and member of American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., Scott Horne, VP Engineering, Executive Sponsor, Veterans Network, Comcast Houston Region, Sam Waltzer, Project Manager, Military Affairs, Comcast Corporate, David Salazar, VP of Sales and Marketing, BEN and UNIDOS Executive Sponsor, Comcast Houston Region and members of the Houston VetNet, UNIDOS and BEN Employee Resource Groups.

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